: Institute for codetermination and corporate governance (I.M.U.)

Good corporate governance needs codetermination. For employees, codetermination means having a say in good corporate governance. The mission of the I.M.U. at the Hans-Böckler-Stiftung is to promote this approach to codetermination. The Institute for Codetermination and Corporate Governance (Institut für Mitbestimmung und Unternehmensführung, I.M.U.) was launched in early 2018. The I.M.U. is the Hans-Böckler-Stiftung’s vehicle for perpetuating the codetermination success story into the future, bringing to fruition a key policy aim of the DGB and its member trade unions.



October 2023 : Collective agreements

What are collective agreements, who negotiates them, what do they regulate and who do they apply to? Three new explanatory films in English cover the topics of collective agreements, collective bargaining and strikes. These films are ideally suited for Euro-workers' councils.

Videos collective agreements

October 2020 : Employees’ involvement fostered by the Corona crisis – what works councils are doing

Over the past few months, the Corona crisis has turned not only our lives, but also the world of work upside down. Scarcely a single sector has been spared. During this period works councils have actively pursued their colleagues’ interests. In cooperation with employers they have striven to identify ways of coping with these enormous challenges. In our film, four works councillors talk about their experiences since the first lockdown. They put a face on responsibility in the workplace – and call on people to get involved.

Bildausschnitt zweier Fabrikarbeiter*innen

January 2020 : Codetermination 2035

Four scenarios describe different, but equally plausible 'futures' of digitalisation in the world of work. They bring to light various opportunities and challenges that in future could play more or less important roles for codetermination actors.

Grafik - Szenarien


: What does codetermination do?

This question lies at the heart of a WZB research project. Watch interviews with researchers and practitioners to learn more about: “CoDetermination and Forward Looking Corporate Governance: Measuring Workers’ Strength and Influence with a CoDetermination Index (MB-ix).” This WZB project is financially supported by the Hans-Böckler-Stiftung.

Sigurt Vitols

: Strong Codetermination – Solid Companies

An interview with Prof. Dr. Michael Wolff. The findings show clearly that companies with codetermination not only were more robust during the financial and economic crisis, but also recovered more quickly from its consequences. The study thus underlines the potential of company codetermination for coping with the effects of external shocks, such as the financial and economic crisis.

Michael Wolff

: Statements about codetermination

Why does codetermination have a future? What does codetermination need? What do politicians need to do? Why is there codetermination in the first place? We asked the participants in the Böckler conference for supervisory board members and would like to thank them for what they had to say.

: The Transformation of the German Labour Market

The German job market has been booming for a decade. For most of the employees, this change is associated with significant improvements. Nevertheless, the current development reveals also the downside of the employment boom such as the increasing shortage of skilled labour and an expanding low-wage sector.

Codetermination in Germany

: Why Codetermination?

Codetermination defines a set of rights that gives employees the possibility of actively participating in the shaping of their working environment. This includes legally stipulated codetermination rights, company agreements devised in conjunction with collective agreements, as well as informal possibilities that have arisen from codetermination practice. Figures, facts and graphics about codetermination. A collection of good arguments for strong workers' voice.

Why codetermination

: A Beginner's Guide

The word “codetermination”, or “Mitbestimmung” in German, is commonly heard outside of Germany but its actual meaning is often unclear. This collection of texts aims to provide a basic explanation of what codetermination is all about, how it functions in practice and what it means to the Germans and to Germany as whole. The relationship between the German codetermination system and developments within Europe are also considered.

Employee representation in Europe

: Workers' Voice

Strengthening workers’ rights at European level not only makes Europe a better place to live for its citizens, it also improves it as a place to do business. Workers’ Voice is the means by which Europe’s social market economy can be made both a democratic and an economic success. We hereby issue an open invitation for people to join in the political discussion and to support this initiative.

: www.worker-participation.eu

The website of our cooperation partner ETUI provides access to what is happening at EU level in the field of employees' rights to information, consultation and board-level representation. Moreover you can find key information on the industrial relations systems of all EU member states in 3 languages.

Our Offers for practitioners (in German only)

: Mitbestimmungsportal

The Mitbestimmungsportal is the gateway for the I.M.U.’s services for codetermination actors. Employee representatives need comprehensive orientational and practical know-how that is up-to-date, succinct and precisely matches their requirements. This is what the Hans Böckler Stiftung’s online platform Mitbestimmungsportal offers.

: Shaping codetermination through practical experience

Company and service agreements show that workplace practices today are shaping the decent work of tomorrow. We present cases in which codetermination actors and employers have reached agreement on regulations through which they can jointly tackle the consequences of digital and technological developments in ways favourable to the employees.
